Ur 1 msg makes me happy at times but you knw wat I can't always ask u to do these basic things for me....the basics is it alot to ask for....I am busy most of the times too but for you I can spare a moment to ask you how ur life is going...n I can't even blame you for not asking about my day or feelings ever...I deleted the messages bcuz it feels bad everytime I say smth u just never reply to that n avoid...I love you is it this difficult...I have realised while writing a letter for you the other day...you will not get time to read that either...I won't ever send u that...n yes I wrote this long msg as I am feeling really bad right now...I wonder is it all bcuz I love you n I just cannot do nything abt it or fact that u knw it... people usually make efforts for the person they love right? Why is it different in my case....either clearly I am not the one for you or u have sombdy else in ur mind.
I thought I should write a letter for you as next month is your birthday, today is 17 July to be precise n you slept already hehe while I am writing this.i hope your days are going fine and nuthing worrying you these days...I don't know much about you but I do try to know as much as I can without being obvious...okay I don't stalk it's more like checking up on you from far...m already a far far away love...okay let's talk about your birthday may be I'll send this by 12 am so you still need to celebrate your birthday also it's kinda bad that we never get to celebrate together ever...will do that okayyy...when...don't knw as if now but we will...stop thinking okay you can try trusting me n you can take steps towards me...just know I love you enough that you can rely on me...still you need time then you can take but don't take years...n you can ask things from me if you want too...I will like it if you take interest...just saying not making you feel uncomfo...
I am sitting in the corner of my room wondering n staring at blank and a moment later everything just got blurred out n I realized tears in my eyes...why am I crying I thought so but it kept on coming out now it's amusing to me,I don't have a reason to cry nor I am depressed still it's like my heart is hurting... Let's not think don't think please stop thinking, my stupid mind I am talking to you,will you listen to me once,I am done with you so done. Why are you home to people don't be a home,nobody stays at home for long. Emptiness of my heart is always there it can never be filled by any means.
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