
Showing posts from November, 2019


I am not afraid of anybody cuz I am afraid of myself I need to save myself from me..I am not good for myself. Even if it's not confirm to see another day let's still hope for our future plans to work...may be it will work out way.. Feels like I am always apologizing for feeling like I am out of my mind when I am doing just fine. And my exes will say that I am hard to deal with n I admit's true A man acts to be strong and rude but is a coconut. War doesn't determine who's right..war only determines who's left... It's okay to be not okay and its okay to say you need help when you need it... I am a visitor not someone who stays how can I forget that 

things to do

*Solo trip *Start buying alot of makeup *Change your style completely or wardrobe makeover. *Trip with Shilpa *Trip with Reena *Trip with Mona *DIY my room *Buy Boots * Start wearing Heels again that's your confidence. * Be happy like alot/ Not allowed to cry